Giving Hand


Giving Hand’s main goal is to provide disability services that help NDIS participants live more meaningful lives and achieve their dreams.

Sydney Disability Services

Giving Hand respects and values every individual’s desire to live independently. At Giving Hand, our primary focus is on our clients’ needs and desired outcomes. As a result, we provide a comprehensive range of individualized support services to people with special needs.

Smoother Life

Enhancing your daily experiences with comprehensive support and tailored solutions.

Personal Care

Empowering participants with personalized assistance and compassionate care.


Creating a comfortable and inclusive living environment that meets your unique needs.


Enriching your leisure time with engaging activities and meaningful social connections.


Providing safe and reliable transportation services for seamless mobility.

Aged Care Services

Supporting elderly individuals with specialized care and promoting their well-being at every stage of life.

Our mission is to make care and support an enjoyable experience.